Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Good Grief

As I move forward to attain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, I have been educated on concepts that are vital to understand in nursing. The concept of grief has allowed me to reflect on my own beliefs about the grieving process. I have always thought that the loss of someone dear meant having to let them go. I believed that resolved grief meant getting over the loss completely. Up until now, I was questioning why I found myself still emotional at times over the loss of loved ones to brain cancer and lung cancer even though 2 years and 17 years have respectively passed. I stumbled upon the answer after gathering research articles for an assignment:

[G]rief is an experience that is ongoing, that changes in nature over time, but that involves a continuing relationship with the deceased; it is a graceful, periodic, deliberate walk backwards while keeping a sure foot in living forward.
(Moules, Simonson, Prins, Angus, & Bell, 2004)

Overall, the literature suggested that what I was experiencing was "normal"...and as a Mental Health RPN, isn't it comforting to know that I am "normal"?


  1. Blenda, me too, I am still feeing sad because my grandma passed away 19 years ago. Mary

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Blenda, Sometimes life leaves us with no resolutions. Grief is a process, some of us will never get over it, and that is a way of life. God bless you and guide you in dealing with grief.

  4. Blenda,
    I enjoyed reading your blog, I am glad you got to use that video. It was nice to see your family pics, I feel like I know you a little bit better now.
    Nicole Turney


We All Want 2B Cared About

I love this song!!! And isn't it so true?

Nursing Shortage